Physical condition and quality of life in self-reliant older adults in the city of Chillán Chile.
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Introduction: Increased life expectancy brings with it the challenge of safeguarding the health and quality of life of older adults. Physical activity improves the physical condition of people of all ages, and this has, in the case of older adults, a relevant role in health and autonomy, factors closely linked to quality of life. Objective: To describe and compare the physical condition and quality of life of autovalent older adults men and women in the city of Chillán. Material and methods: In this study a comparative descriptive design was used, the population was evaluated cross-sectionally. Physical condition was evaluated with the Senior Fitness Test and quality of life with the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire.Results: The mean values obtained in the Senior Fitness Test in the different tests were: sit and stand 14,81 ± 3,47 rep., Push-ups 17,21 ± 4,01 rep., Sitting trunk flexion 0,81 ± 5,78 cm. and join hands behind the back -11,29 ± 9,98 cm. The mean values of the quality of life dimensions were: 15.69 ± 2.17 in the physical, 16.13 ± 1.99 in the psychological, 15.15 ± 2.48 in Social Relations and 16.13 ± 2.11 in the Environment dimension. No significant differences were found between men and women regarding physical condition Chair stand test (rep) (p = 0,257), Arm Curl Test (rep) (p = 0,333), Chair sit and reach test (cm) (p = 0,12), Back Scratch Test (cm) (p = 0,11); nor in quality of life, perception C. of life (p = 0,81), perception of health (p = 0, 210), physical dimension (p = 0,379), psychological d. (p = 0,150),. social relationships d. (p = 0,120), environment d. (p = 0,767. Conclusion: The physical condition and quality of life of 52 autovalent older adults from the Chillan commune were described. No significant differences were found in physical condition or quality of life between men and women.
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