Analysis of the accuracy of different levels of resistance generated by Threshold® IMT in young obese women.

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This article analyzes the accuracy of the Threshold® IMT in the determination of different levels of resistance: R1=7, R2=15, R3=21, R4=27, R5=35 and R6=41 cm H2O in young obese women, taking maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) as a reference. METHODS: For this purpose, 21 obese grade I women, with BMI of 34.56 ± 5.82 kg/m2 and mean age of 44.4 ± 13.4 years were subjected to MIP measurement through the manometer with subsequent measurement of resistance levels generated by the Threshold® IMT of R1=7, R2=15, R3=21, R4=27, R5=35 and R6=41 cm H2O. For the normality test, the Shapiro-Wilk test was applied, and for the analysis between the percentages of MIP obtained and the different resistances generated by Threshold® IMT test, the ANOVA test and repeated measures with the Bonferroni post-hoc significance level of p<0.05 was used. For the determination of the level of association between the resistance values generated by the Threshold® IMT and the values measured by the manometer the Pearson correlation coefficient was applied. Results and conclusions: The average values obtained for maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) are below an expected normal pattern -81.56 H2O, confirming that the sample has a deficit for MIP. Comparison of the mean values of the resistances generated by the Threshold® IMT showed significant differences in Wilks'Λ, F(5;162,087)=16.000, p=0.001 between all resistances observed for a power of 99%. However, the coefficient of variance (CV) observed for the 7 cm H2O resistance was the highest with 23.23%; for15 cm H2O the value was the lowest with 7.09% and there was less variation in the 21 and 27 cm H2O resistance, where the coefficients (CV) were 10.26% and 12.17% respectively. In R5 and R6 the flow generated was below the resistance generated by the device, especially for R6, where a difference of -2.42 cm H2O, on average, is observed between the generated and measured resistance. This result shows a reversal of the behavior of the resistance generated by the device, once the Threshold® IMT overestimates the loads for the respective resistances. The CV for R5 was 17.02% and 19.75% for R6. While the CV values are below 25% according to the homogeneity data. This demonstrates the low accuracy of the Threshold® IMT.

Article Details

María do Socorro Luna Cruz
Fernando Policarpo Barbosa
Jose Fernandes Filho
Paula Roquetti Fernandes

Author Biographies

María do Socorro Luna Cruz, Campina Grande
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
Fernando Policarpo Barbosa, Campina Grande
Facultad de Ciencias Médicas
do Socorro Luna Cruz, M., Policarpo Barbosa, F., Fernandes Filho, J., & Roquetti Fernandes, P. (2013). Analysis of the accuracy of different levels of resistance generated by Threshold® IMT in young obese women. Revista Horizonte , 34-42. Retrieved from


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